
Asthma remains a serious illness and if you are at all concerned that your asthma is getting worse you should ask for an emergency appointment with your doctor or nurse. Please make it clear to reception staff that you are asthmatic when you phone.

Our practice nurses have specialist asthma qualifications. They run clinics in order that asthma may be assessed, advice offered, queries answered and correct treatment ensured.

Patients on asthma medication should be seen at least once a year in the asthma clinic for a check up with the nurse.

We will appreciate your co-operation if you attend for your appointment even if your asthma is under control. This is for your own benefit.

The following factsheets, available from Patient UK give information and advice on a variety of asthma related topics:


Further information:

  • Asthma UK - an independent UK charity dedicated to conquering astham.  It funds research, offers help and advice, and campaings for a better deal for people with asthma
  • Asthma UK - All about Asthma